2013年12月19日 星期四

閱讀筆記 R4138 E-mail Advice

Reading 4138
E-mail Advice  
What is it like to be an architect?
From: Hiroshi Ishikawa 
Date: November 13, 2008 
To: Mr. Daley
Subject: Architect career
Dear Mr. Daley,
1 My aunt said that you would be expecting to hear from me. My name is Hiroshi, and I am interested in becoming an architect. l would like to learn more about what it is like to be an architect. Can you tell me a little more about your career? What do you like best about it? I would be happy to receive any advice you have.
2  Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hiroshi Ishikawa

From: Andrew Daley
Date: November 15, 2008 
To: Hiroshi Ishikawa 
Subject: RE: Architect career
Dear Hiroshi,
3  l am happy to hear that you would like to become an architect! Your aunt tells me that you are a good student and a hard worker, so l already know that you’ll be able to accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
4 You have chosen a difficult but rewarding career. Architecture is unusual because it is a blend of both art and science. You need to be creative to think of new and interesting designs. You also need to be good at math and science so that you can translate your creative ideas into structures that are safe and useful. Even English is important to an architect. You need to be able to express your ideas clearly so that other people can understand them.
5  Think about all the different kinds of buildings people need: houses, apartments, schools, office buildings, grocery stores, churches, malls, hotels, factories, gymnasiums, airports, hospitals. Architects figure out the best way to build each building so that it is interesting to look at, safe, and easy to use.
6  First, the architect usually creates a proposal that shows the customer his or her idea for the building. If the customer likes it, then the architect keeps working. He or she comes up with a plan that shows all the details of how the building will be constructed. The architect does not actually build the structure. But questions often come up during the construction, so the architect always needs to be available.
7  My favorite part of being an architect is seeing the idea that I had in my mind become an actual building. That never stops being exciting for me!
8  Please let me know if you have any other questions. You are also welcome to schedule a day to shadow me at work.
Good Luck, Hiroshi!
Andrew Daley

